Never Alone (Chapter 6 – Warrior Chicks)

I am so excited to be reading this book…I am not sure about the rest of you, but this has come a just the RIGHT time for me, and I am thrilled to be able to do this book as a study with you all.

If you have not picked up the book yet you can go over on the side bar on my blog and check out the widget that says “Books I’m Reading” and it is listed FIRST (of course!). Click on that and you can order one directly from…it’s never to late to pick up a copy and join in on the online book study. I am sending out Kim’s copy (from WornoutWoman) in the mail this week so she can catch up and join us as well.

I love it…on page 78 it says, “Together is a big deal to God. We have not been created to function at our best in isolation. We have been designed to function as a part of something bigger. We were created for team. Family. Community.”

Oh…and get this…on page 92 she says, “A real friend does her best to understand, listen and help you look for God in the middle of the battle that might be raging.” Yikes…that one hit home…

So…let’s see what some of the other girls came up with when we met on Friday for our meeting:

Q#1 – How do you feel about doing life “together”?
– Doing life together is a part of how God created us to be.
– Life is about people – those you love, those you live with, those you spend time with, those you work with, those who are part of your life whether you like it or not.
– Women, more than men, women tend to be more open with our emotions while men tend to be more guarded.

We talked a little bit about the “Together” section on page 87…”Together. We were meant to do life together. And doing life together takes work. Lots of work. It will take understanding differences. Because we are different. The goal is to support each other in our differences. That is what will make the platoon stronger.”

Q#2 – Who are your battle partners?
– Friends – there are different friends for reasons, seasons, and lifetimes.
– My fellow Warrior Chicks
– My family members
– We have different friends for different reasons; to joke with, to shop with, to cry with, to pray with, to care for, to be silly with

Q#5 – Remember my jeans story? Think of a time when God gave you what you needed, right at the moment you needed it?

– For me it was when He surrounded my family with other Christian brothers and sisters in the midst of one of the worst times of our lives. They loved on us, prayed for us, feed us, and did whatever it takes to bring a smile or shoulder to cry on in the storm.

Q#6 – Describe the lane you are running in?

– To be a mom
– To be a God Chick
– To be a writer/speaker/teacher
– To be a wife
– To seek and pursue the dreams HE has laid on my heart

Q#7 – Think of a friend running next to you. Now, think of your other friend who is really weird (the one with the exact opposite personality). How can you encourage her to stay in her lane?

– Love on her, pray for her, and know that there is a reason that God brought you two together.
– People can be so completely different that us…but that doesn’t make one right or the other…

Q#9 – Is there someone you need to forgive? I know it’s hard, but why don’t you forgive that person in such a way that you inspire her to say, “When I saw your face, it was as the face of God smiling on me.”

– We discussed the section on page #93 where Holly says, “To connect with the people that God had brought across my path. Not saying it was easy. Just did it. With a very definite purpose, God brings people into our life who are different that us. Different strengths. Different backgrounds. Different personalities. Different abilities.”

Check back this week as we get together to discuss Chapter 7 – Get Dressed!

Never Alone,