My “One Word Three Sixty Five” 2012

Happy New Year Friends!

It’s a brand new year, fresh with exciting new possibilities and adventures!

I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions…been there, done that and it almost never worked out for me, but last year I jumped in on something that was completely profound to me. Instead of focusing on a list of resolutions I would switch my thinking to narrow my focus down to ONE WORD.

My friend and former Godly Gal, Alece Ronzino from Grit and Glory, opened my eyes to this concept last year and I am so glad she did!

I spent a day last year wrestling with what that ONE WORD would be for 2011 and settled on a really tough one…SURRENDER. It was so refreshing (and difficult at times) to filter my life through the lens of surrender.

It brought about so much more intentionality to everything I did in 2011 and really helped me to keep that front and center in my life for a whole year.

Now here we are smack dab at the beginning of 2012 and it’s time to settle on that
ONE WORD for 2012

Again, I made a list of words that God had been laying on my heart;
…and so much more

After spending time in the Word this morning I began to narrow down the list to three that really resonated within my heart;

  1. Shine – Daniel 12:3
  2. Bold(ly) – Numbers 13:20
  3. Stronger – Daniel 10:19

As I searched through my Bible one word just kept my heart racing and I knew that this had to be my ONE WORD for 2012

* Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. Daniel 12:3 NLT

* In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Matthew 5:16 NLT

* For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! Ephesians 5:8 NLT

That’s what I intend to do in 2012…SHINE…not because of anything that I have done, but quite simply because of everything He has done for me!

Make sure you head over to One Word 365 to find out more about finding your One Word for 2012.

I’m looking forward to hearing what your ONE WORD is for this new year!

Leave me a comment and let me know if you have chosen One Word for your year too!

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