
I need your help…

I know I have mentioned this already, but I recently started a new internet shopping business and along with my business I would like to start a “Mel’s World Shopping Biz” blog. I have tried and tried to come up with a “look” that fits 1) me and my personality, 2) the concept of internet…

I’m still here…

…no, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth, really, I didn’t! Ha! I am so sorry that I haven’t been around a whole lot these days. I have missed all of my bloggy buddies immensely and can’t wait to get caught back up with everyone. Summer is almost over and in between the…

I’m still here…

…no, I didn’t fall off the face of the earth, really, I didn’t! Ha! I am so sorry that I haven’t been around a whole lot these days. I have missed all of my bloggy buddies immensely and can’t wait to get caught back up with everyone. Summer is almost over and in between the…

Only a few more days…

…left until the last drawing for the Mel’s World Summer Give Away. The August Prize Package is: A Phil. 4:13 silver bracelet that says “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” and a $5 Starbuck’s card Make sure you click HERE to go back to the original Mel’s World Summer Give Away…


Struggle It’s not the triumph it’s the struggle.– Olympic phrase during the opening cermonies We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it. ~ Philippians 1:30 Did you ever notice that when you see the word “struggle” that…