
Bible Readeez Review

My Thoughts About the CD/DVD: In all my years serving  in Kids Ministry I’m pretty sure that I’ve never seen anything like the Bible Readeez DVD. There is so much fun packed into every song on this CD/DVD. What an incredibly creative way to get kids into the Word of God– in a way they…

Working Together

The church– it’s a beautiful thing when you see; so many people with different gifts and skills working together. Sunday’s are one of my favorite days of the week! It’s a day when regular, ordinary people come together put their selfish ambitions aside and seek to serve those around them. Are they perfect? Nope, far…

Working Together

The church– it’s a beautiful thing when you see; so many people with different gifts and skills working together. Sunday’s are one of my favorite days of the week! It’s a day when regular, ordinary people come together put their selfish ambitions aside and seek to serve those around them. Are they perfect? Nope, far…