matt mashburn

17 Years Ago…

…we said “I Do”. Our lives have never been the same since that day!  We’ve seen highs, lows, and everything in between but throughout our marriage one thing has been constant…our love for Christ and our love for each other. So…as we are blessed to celebrate another year together I wanted to take a minute…

17 Years Ago…

…we said “I Do”. Our lives have never been the same since that day!  We’ve seen highs, lows, and everything in between but throughout our marriage one thing has been constant…our love for Christ and our love for each other. So…as we are blessed to celebrate another year together I wanted to take a minute…


Hubby has been co-leading our couple’s small groups on Friday nights and we’ve been dissecting the book of Romans. I have to tell you that it has been absolutely in-cred-i-ble!  (And yes, I know I am biased, he is, after all my husband, ha!) Any who, we were talking about Romans 3:21-31 ESV and he…


Hubby has been co-leading our couple’s small groups on Friday nights and we’ve been dissecting the book of Romans. I have to tell you that it has been absolutely in-cred-i-ble!  (And yes, I know I am biased, he is, after all my husband, ha!) Any who, we were talking about Romans 3:21-31 ESV and he…