
Give Away Update!!!

Yesterday at the end of the “Speak to My Soul” post I mentioned that there would be an additional prize added to the Mel’s World Summer Give Away for July 2008…and well, let me just take a minute to tell you about what is already a part of the give away before I tell you…


Hey There! Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the MINISTRY TOPICS tab!This is a place for you to get to know me, as a Writer, Speaker, and Bible Study leader. I have a burden to reach women and take them to a deeper relationship with their Savior. I do that by…


Hey There! Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the MINISTRY TOPICS tab!This is a place for you to get to know me, as a Writer, Speaker, and Bible Study leader. I have a burden to reach women and take them to a deeper relationship with their Savior. I do that by…

Contact Me

Thanks for taking the time to CONTACT ME…There are several ways you can connect with me, so here are some of the easiest; Twitter – – melissamashburn [at] bellsouth [dot] netLinkedIn –