
Godly Gals ~ Alece Ronzino

Eternity in Our Hearts by: Alece Ronzino “He has planted eternity in the human heart.”  Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT Such a beautiful, divine thought… Eternity is planted deeply in the soil of my heart. Placed there by God Himself. If eternity is within me, then the past and the future exist in each moment just as…

Godly Gals ~ Alece Ronzino

Eternity in Our Hearts by: Alece Ronzino “He has planted eternity in the human heart.”  Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT Such a beautiful, divine thought… Eternity is planted deeply in the soil of my heart. Placed there by God Himself. If eternity is within me, then the past and the future exist in each moment just as…

Godly Gals ~ Lindy Abbott

Fall Into His Ever-Loving Arms By: Lindy Abbott The colors burst forth autumn. Cinnamon, caramel and pumpkin spices fill the air.  A gentle breeze lifts orange, brown and yellow leaves into a dancing swirl. Dry wood is chopped and stacked all ready to be crackling in a warm fireplace. Oh, the restful joy of fall…