
Rainy Day Happiness

When it looks like this outside your office window… This is one of the few things that can bring some happiness to your day… A homemade Caramel Mocha (YUMMY!!!) My recipe for a Homemade Caramel Mocha is… 1 cup of Southern Pecan coffee 1 cup of Hot Cocoa a Tad (who knows what that really…


“This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”~ Nehemiah 8:10b JOY! I can not believe that SO much can be packed into three little letters. When you see that word each and every one of us has a different picture in our head of…


“This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”~ Nehemiah 8:10bJOY! I can not believe that SO much can be packed into three little letters. When you see that word each and every one of us has a different picture in our head of what…


“This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”~ Nehemiah 8:10bJOY! I can not believe that SO much can be packed into three little letters. When you see that word each and every one of us has a different picture in our head of what…

I am…

Right now, I am… drinking coffee (again) supposed to be working waiting for the kids to get home tired and a tad sleepy looking at the mess I call a desk getting ready to turn some praise and worship on to listen to unfocused frazzled abnormal (will post more later) blessed annointed a Daughter of…