keep it real

Keeping First Things First In Ministry, A Guest Post Over At Upgrade With Dawn

Keeping First Things First In Ministry, A Guest Post Over At Upgrade With Dawn

“Ministry can become all consuming, but it’s important to remember to keep first things first and that’s making your own family a priority,” Melissa says. “Every day you are given a gift—your family. Yes, you have a call to do more, serve more and love the people in your community more, but ultimately, your family is…

Taking Down the Facade

Taking Down the Facade

If you’ve spent any time in ministry, especially with women, chances are you’ve been hurt, burned, back-stabbed or misunderstood. It’s painful. It’s brutal. It flat out sucks the wind from your sails. And in order to protect yourself from getting hurt again, you put up a façade. Chances are you probably don’t even remember when you…