
Friday Find #2

If you LOVE coffee as much as I do then chances are you are ALWAYS looking for a “Great Deal” on your coffee purchases, right? Well, I found a great place today over in Mel’s World Shopping Biz called Coffee for Less. With only 97 days until Christmas there are MORE than enough reasons to…

Friday Find #2

If you LOVE coffee as much as I do then chances are you are ALWAYS looking for a “Great Deal” on your coffee purchases, right? Well, I found a great place today over in Mel’s World Shopping Biz called Coffee for Less. With only 97 days until Christmas there are MORE than enough reasons to…

Check This Out!

Ok, here’s the dealio…I try really hard to stay focused (not always successful with that one) here in Mel’s World. My life verse is Acts 20:24 and basically I know that God has called me to share the Good News of Him in everything I do. I usually do not mix the various parts of…