200th Post – GIVE AWAY!!!

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Celebrating the 200th post here at Mel’s World!!!

… and I want to celebrate with you…this is a great way to be able to “Give Back” to all the cool people out there in the Blog World for all the love, prayers, and support that each and every one of you have brought to me!!!

The contest runs from November 1st through November 12th.

Here are the “Goodies” in the Give Away:
· A copy of Warrior Chicks, by Holly Wagner
· A Beautiful Journal to record your thoughts.
· A Pretty Pen to use while you Journal.
· A Spot of Coffee/Tea to enjoy while you read!

Put your name & email in the comments, introduce yourself, and on November 12th I will pick one of you (drawing done by Random.com) to receive the Give Away Package!!!!

Invite your friends, family members, and fellow blog chicks to join in on the fun!!!

Celebrating With You,


  1. Karen…
    Are you serious?!?!? Of course you can join…you’ll just have to help me with figuring out HOW to mail it to New Zealand…ha! 😉

    Welcome! I loved popping over and seeing what’s going on in your world!

    I am on my way over to your site for your GIVE AWAY…I love what you said to me, “let’s just bless their socks off!”.

    I do too!!! Glad to have you visit Mel’s World! Tell Kaylyn Happy Birthday!

  2. Thank you so much for visiting my 100th post give away! (I still have far to go to get to your milestone 200!) I am so glad you did, so I could come over here and “meet” you.

    xo Lidy

  3. Hello Mel, Nice to meet you!!!.
    Congratulations!!!I found your comment at French Garden house, so I wanted to meet you.
    I like your blog so much!!!.
    I send you a big hug from Buenos Aires, Argentina ( so far away)…
    Please,come visiting my blog too….
    Sorry, If I made some writing mistakes… I am a spanish native speaker…. Nice meeting you again.

  4. Congratulations on your 200th!!!! I look forward to the next 200….you inspire me, encourage me and make me want to be a better woman. Thank you friend!

  5. Hey Lidy…so glad I was able to pop over and celebrate your 100th post…thanks for coming over to my 200th! Nice to meet you!

    WornoutWoman…you win every day…thanks for stopping by…I missed seeing you around here. 😉

    Marcela…your english is fine…no worries…I live in South Florida…I can follow you perfectly. Welcome! 😉 (Hola!)

    Kathy…you are too sweet…thank you so much for being such a great source of encouragement!!

  6. Already 200? Congratulations, we look forward to 200 and more of your amazing teachings.
    Love ya! Jules

  7. I had just discovered your blog last week (via Praying Karen), and I guess this is a good time to “De-Lurk” and say HELLO. I Love giveaways, so enter me too, please.

  8. Jules…
    Can you believe it…200??!?!?!

    Sweet Mummy…
    I am so glad you came out of hiding…WELCOME!


  9. Hi Mel

    I just stopped by after Karen mentioned your giveaway. It sounds like a wonderful giveaway.

    I’ve sure enjoyed my visit here to your blog and will come back.

    Come by and visit me some time.


  10. Hi Mel

    I just typed one comment and I don’t see it now so I hope I’m not duplicating myself.

    I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I popped over after seeing about your giveaway at Karen’s Ramblings. It looks like a wonderful giveaway.

    I’ve enjoyed my visit here and will return.

    Stop by my blog some time. You’re always welcome.


  11. Hi Mel,
    I found you through Karen of Karen’s Ramblings. I see that you’ve sidelinked Beth Moore. I’m doing one of her Bible studies at church right now. She’s great. Feel free to pop on over to my blog and say “hi” too.
    I love giveaways, so please count me in.

  12. Hi, I’m Holly at Crown Laid Down. I saw your invitation on Sue’s blog. I hope Karen in New Zealand wins…it would be fun to hear how the mailing went 🙂

    Have a blessed weekend, Melissa!

  13. Hi Mel,

    Looks like a fun giveaway! Congrats on your 200th post!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment.

    I love that you set up a blog for your mother in law!

  14. Good Morning,

    This monkey trainer loves giveaways too. You can count me in sign me up, I’m feeling lucky.

    Smiles and hugs

  15. Cute giveaway! I’m brand new to blogging (i.e. one post). Congrats on 200! Thanks for entering me, apricotview at yahoo dot com

  16. HEY!!! My name is Christina! oOme by my blog and introduce yourself!!!
    You can count me in on this one!
    In Him,

  17. What a fun giveaway! The book sounds wonderful and the other things will just be a nice compliment to the winner! Love the look and feel of your blog.

    I’ll be back to visit!

  18. Aren’t giveaways fun?? This sounds fun!! Please enter me! And feel free to come by and enter mine! =)

  19. Hi Mel- It’s Michelle Layton. I decided to stop lurking and join in the fun. I actually started my own blog-check it out when you have a sec.–:)

  20. FABULOUS giveaway! I’d love to win, so please count me in! Congrats on your 200th post, by the way! Good luck everyone!

  21. Hi and a BIG congrats on the 200th post!
    A Bookworm here. Self-explanatory really and the reason why I find your giveaway irresistible 🙂 This carnival is a SUPER way of discovering new blogs and yours is going on my Google reader for sure!

  22. Great sounding giveaway. Please count me in and visit my blog if you get the opportunity.
    Blessings from Costa Rica

  23. Hi, this sounds like an awesome giveaway. Throw me into the pot that you draw from.

    Now I am off to read some more of your blog.

    bev in illinois the other end

  24. Please count me in your wanna-be-winners 😉 (wow 38…looks to be a lot of wanna-be-winners!)

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  25. Hi, congratulations on your 200th post! I came from Sue’s. Sign me up for your nice giveaway, please.

  26. The Pitter Patter Boutique said…
    Great giveaways. I love the Monkey Giggles one. Please include me. Thanks!

    12:18 PM

  27. Hey! Just came across your blog! I am so glad I did. I live in southwest Florida, Cape Coral. I thank you for the opportunity to enter this giveaway, they are always so much fun.
    My name is Jennifer and my email is jenmom1707@yahoo.com
    God bless you!!

  28. Hi Mel!!!!

    Miss you SO much chika. Thanks for your words of encouragement, kindness and wisdom. They speak to me every time!!

    Please sign me up for the give-a-ways!!

    Thanks SO much for being YOU!!! 🙂


  29. Hello, Mel. I’m Linda at 2nd Cup in Muncie, Indiana. I work in a youth ministry there called “Oneighty.” I’d love to be entered into your giveaway, and I’d love for you to visit my blog–except there’s a lot of fluff between the meatier posts!

  30. This book looks great! I can’t wait to read it, thanks for giving one away, what a blessing!

  31. Hi Mel!

    Your blog is amazing. Guess who I heard about it from?…..from Holly Wagner! Actually, I am the Director of Marketing at Regal Books, and Holly let someone know on our publishing side about how excited she was about your blog. The word got to me and I just had to check it out! What a blessing your blog, your dedication and efforts are. Thanks so much for what you are doing. God Bless you!

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