She Leads Church Summit 2021
After 20 years of serving in the local church it’s been a roller coaster of awesome, exhausting, exciting and overwhelming. Some of the things I’ve learned I had to learn the hard way. Yet other times there was a wise mentor or friend that came alongside me and helped me to navigate the season of life and ministry.

No matter where you are in your journey as a female leader in the church (on staff, married to one of the staff, super volunteer, ministry leader, lay leader and everything in between) you WILL walk away blessed, encouraged and inspired by being a part of the She Leads Church 2021 summit. Tickets are FREE and the entire event is online ->
I am truly honored to be a part of the summit this year and I will be sharing about the importance of Creating a Rhythm of Connection — oh yeah, I’m digging into who do you have around you, how is your personal time with the Lord, how about your family? These are all critically important…not just as you lead in the church, but to live out your faith.
I would LOVE to personally invite you to join me for She Leads Church next week March 3rd & 4th. You can grab your FREE ticket here ->
Here’s a little more info about the summit:
During this summit, we will be taking a look at the importance of establishing healthy rhythms in our spiritual lives, our work lives, and our personal lives. Our speakers will be addressing topics like work-life balance and how to remain intentional during busy seasons. They will offer practical tips and advice on how to juggle it all.
We are extending our She Leads Church Rhythms three day experience through a partnership with Voice of the Martyrs. We’ll be treated to a worship music performance with Natalie Grant and special guest speakers on an importance justice issue that is happening across the world today.
Your registration for SLC automatically gives you full access to the VOM experience now scheduled to extend our event online with this special opportunity to meet three Christian workers who were imprisoned for their faith.