The Break is Over

That’s it! Christmas vacation is over…on one hand I am excited; – the kids get back into a routine (and so do I), and on the other hand – I am going to miss them terribly!

Both my boys are in Middle School (pray for me…seriously, all you moms of elementary aged kids…you’re next my friends, middle school can be tough) and are doing really well (thank God), but in all reality school is a lot of work. The schedule, the tons of homework, the advanced classes, the extra-curricular activities, Christian Rock Band practice, and church…well, it’s enough to make you want to throw the “MOM’S TAXI” sign on your car (luckily my truck is big enough for this sign)!

I know that many of you are getting things ready tonight, pre-packing lunch boxes, setting out clothes (I know I am NOT the only one who does this), and preparing the house so that the morning is smooth as can be.

I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for your kids (and mine) tomorrow as they get back, get settled in, and once again leave the house.

Back to the Lunch Box,


  1. It’s funny to read about everyone getting ready for kids to go back to school ! My Jono doesn’t go back til Feb. It’s summer holidays here ! I’ve lived in this country for 10 years and I’m still not used to summer being Nov. Dec. Jan !! 🙂 Jono will be in the 2nd grade this year so I’ve got a few years til middle school starts … thankfully, by the sounds of it ! 🙂

    Thanks for your comment on my barefoot post ! I’m glad you enjoyed it !! I enjoyed writing it !

  2. I’m praying for you sister, It’s going to be an awesome year for the kids!!! Love you, Janet campen

  3. Mel, I will be praying for you. .

    Often I get moms who ask me “how do you do “it” – home school my three child. I must look at them like deer in the head lights. Because I so admire mom’s who can juggle school, work, home, taxi service, extra projects, packing lunches, parent teacher conferences…etc.

    So hats off to you.

    Smiles and hugs

  4. Mine go back Tuesday. They are all spending the last day of vacation playing with their friends. Tomorrow night will be like your tonight for me!!! Prayers for yours & mine!

  5. Oh, I hear you. Like Annie, we have one last day and go back on Tuesday. I just told my daughter on the way home from our weekend trip today that tomorrow I have to go to the grocery store and get stuff for their lunches.

    And Tuesday she has to be at basketball practice at 6:45 a.m. Ugh! I can’t wait for spring break!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. Ah yes, that time of year when the excitement of the holidays is over and reality creeps back in. There is something nice about the routine but it’s hard to leave the holiday mode behind.

  7. Back to the old grind. I see your from Ky….and live in FL. Well..I know you read we live in Ky….we once lived in Fl while hubby was in the military. I really like your blog….thanks for stopping by mine.

  8. I just saw your comment on Jennifer from Nickernoodle. Have you ever posted what your son was in the hospital for and why he still sees dr’s?
    Just curious because my daughter has had 4 major surgeries and I know the hospital experience.
    Enjoy your day with the kids back at school. I’m bringing my oldest back to college and the other two are back in school also. I think it’s time!

  9. No more vacation. We are back into our routine. My daughter did not want to go back to school she likes getting up late(8:00am), and my son was a little excited, he actually started a new school today and it was great. No more anxiety for back to normal. By normal I mean all the crazynes of our normal scheules. Love you, Maria Juliana, Jules, hey you..Just Juliana

  10. I have seriously thought about starting a mommy taxi here. Think about it, all the moms that can’t leave work to run their kids to ball practice and therefore, their kids can’t be in sports or anything. Sad. Luckily I work at a bank that my boss is very understanding and can leave if needed.

  11. Can I just tell you guys how much it means to me to know that you are praying, I am praying, and hopefully thousands of other moms are praying for their kids today!

    I love it!

    It was a great morning then the wheels fell off a bit and it got yucky for a bit, but we had family devotional time and don’t ya know God used today’s devotional to knock us all back into shape! God is so stinkin’ awesome, isn’t HE?

    Out the door now to pick them up…can’t wait to hear about their day!

  12. It is nice to get back into the routine, but I do miss my little guy when he is gone! I hope you have a great Monday!

  13. And praying for you too…. Our kids actually start tomorrow (Tuesday) but I am definitely glad to be headed back toward some sort of routine and schedule…for both me and the kids.

  14. 2 of my kids are only in elementary school, it sounds like I can definitely wait until middle school.
    Have a good back to school week.

  15. Hi

    Just checked your blog for the first time – it looks great. Love the colours (and content too)! I’m sure I’ll be back again.

  16. So praying with you for all our kids and families! Holidays were great, routine is great too!

    These youngun’s sure need all our prayer! What a wild time to be growing up! What an honor to be chosen for this time!

    Love that He met you thru the devotion! He is just sooo faithful isn’t He?

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