Speak to My Soul – It’s All About Family

Genesis 5:1 ™ ~ [The Family Tree of the Human Race] This is the family tree of the human race: When God created the human race, he made it godlike, with a nature akin to God. He created both male and female and blessed them, the whole human race.
This past week has been a very reflective time for me, I guess the beginning of December almost always does that to me. We come home from 4-6 days with part of our family up in Alabama and part of it might be the twelve hours in the car (one way), or it could be the 24/7 of family fun (games, football, cards, eating, roasting marshmellows, etc.), or just the regular holiday hoopla. I’m not sure exactly if I can pinpoint it to a specific thing, but this I know, this time of year it is ALL ABOUT FAMILY.
Which is really quite exciting because we are 1) born into our earthly family (see the picture above), but we are also 2) born again into our heavenly family. I just LOVE that! I know that not everyone of us has a picture perfect earthly family, but what a great comfort it is to know that we are blessed with a Perfect and Loving Heavenly Father and an extended family of brothers and sisters in Christ.
Either we are adrift in chaos or we are individuals, created, loved, upheld and placed purposefully, exactly where we are. Can you believe that? Can you trust God for that? ~ -Elisabeth Elliot
What a great and glorious gift it is to have a family. The picture above is from Thanksgiving day at my husband’s grandmother’s house. Granny & PawPaw’s (whom is in heaven now) house is a holiday tradition; turkey, lots of food, lots of dessert, lots of front yard football, lots of walking in the woods, and lots of marshmellows are roasted there each and every year. The family is truly blessed to have each other, no doubt. And yet, as blessed as I am to have my family (my side is over 130+ of us) and my husband’s side, we also have been blessed with an amazing church family and Christian friends who are there for us, who pray for us, who love us, and who support us. Cause you know, It’s All About Family!
Galatians 6:10 (NIV) –Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Here’s the deal, even if your earthly family isn’t what it should be,
hasn’t been what it should have been,
or maybe you don’t even know or remember them,
you have been blessed with an even bigger family.
That’s the hard part though…you have to choose to reach out and accept it. There are NO perfect people and we ALL fall short of God’s glorious standards, but now you have a bigger network of people that are there for you, ready to pray, ready to serve, and ready to make an impact on your life.
All you have to do is put yourself out there, and guess what…you might just be surprised to see that people are people, but these are probably just the right people to make an impact on your life. What sweet fellowship to be able to sit back and enjoy the friendships that come along with being a part of God’s family.
This past weekend our church’s Women’s Ministry had an ornament exchange, we laughed, listened, and learned how to be more like Him while we soaked up the beauty of being in the same family together.
Never take for granted your family…either your earthly family or your heavenly family because this time of year is a great time to remember that it’s also ALL ABOUT FAMILY!