Round and Round She Goes…

…Where she stops, nobody knows!
Do you remember saying that as a kid?
I sure do!
Never did I think that at any point in my life that would be a pretty accurate description of my adult life.
Not kidding.
Ok, maybe a little!
I don’t know about you but it certainly seems like this year has had me on the Tilt-A-Whirl (you remember those from the carnivals, right? They were my favorite!).  Thankfully, even though my world keeps spinning and spinning, I am able to grasp onto Him and be centered on what’s really important.
I pray that even if you feel like you are stuck on the tilt-a-whirl these days that you will grab hold of the one thing that can actually bring you peace…Him!

For me, I am clinging, clutching, and grasping at the hem of His robe.  It’s not been easy, and it has certainly been bumpy at times, but I know that there is a plan a purpose to it all.  So I try to smile and CHOOSE to seek the JOY on this Journey!

Now it’s your turn…
What are you choosing to seek the JOY on your journey right now?

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