Godly Gals ~ Melinda Velez
God’s Plan and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
By: Melinda Velez
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Hummm many of you know this popular verse. YEAH… God has a future for me! I will take giant leaps! No weapons formed against me will prosper! I’m ready to karate chop anything coming at me! I’m Super Plan Girl…Yeee-ha! Where is my cape?
Everything about Jeremiah 29:11 is 100% true and perfect!
Everything except my unique interpretation of this verse for myself. “For I know the plans” This verse specifically states that God knows the plan that he has for me, for you and everyone. So why is it that we struggle with “The Plan”? Is it God’s plan or have you created your own version of the plan? It looks like a great plan, a plan that will do good for people, a plan that I believe God would approve? Correct?
What is going on when most of the doors you knock on as you carry your strategic plans forward do not appear to be responding in the manner you had hoped for? The doors either do not open or they open and slam back in your face? .. Ouch! (been there). The verse is not “For I know the plans you have “for yourself“.
Have we added “for yourself” subconsciously?
We need to come clean on everything because that “little” one added word will completely change the meaning of a verse like Jeremiah 29:11 and keep us going around the same “PLAN” mountain again and again.
Truth is God created a masterful plan for your life. Can we really surrender to his plan?
In all honesty, this plan process is PAINFUL. So much so that I have days that I just want to stick my face in a big batch of chocolate chip cookie dough and not bother to come up for air. So either I am going to give in to the Pillbury Dough boy or am I going to give my all to God despite how bad it looks in the natural.
Friends, before you attack that roll of cookie dough (love that popping sound!), remember these key promises:
- God knows the plans he has for us: He already has our original plans in place. We activate those plans by faith and our free will to believe his timing.
- Plans to prosper us: We are rich in him. His riches are not of this world. He prospers us with intelligence, wisdom, opportunities and relationships.
- Not to harm you: Although set backs and disappointments can run deep, God knows how he is maneuvering your life for those victories yet to come.
- Plans to give you hope and a future. He is our hope. Our future is sealed with the Lord Jesus Christ our savior and redeemer forever more.
Amen to the plan!
Melinda Velez, launched her blog “Blu Wings of Grace” in December of 2009. I pray that you are blessed with my writings that will always serve to highlight the author of Grace, Jesus Christ. I write on encouraging topics that deal with my own personal struggles with – direction in career, finances, relationships, etc! I am a work in progress for sure but learning more each day. Please visit for a Blu Wing experience…..http://blu-wingsofgrace.typepad.com/
Melinda, what a fantastic reminder for each and every one of us…it is so not our plans, but His! Love love love it and am so thankful for the chance to continue to get to know you better.
Sweet sisters, what a blessing it is to bring the Godly Gals to you each and every week! What a gift each of them are to me and hopefully to you too!
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