Godly Gals ~ Judi Cotignola

By: Judi Cotignola
After a blood test revealed that I am pre-diabetic, I have been on a weight loss journey for the last two years. It is a matter of trying to be healthy, of trying to find a balance in my post-40 body. It hasn’t been the easiest or most enjoyable time of my life, but I have been successful at losing the unwanted pounds, and I am finally in good shape.

This week while at the doctor, the nurse took my blood pressure and weight, and then used a machine to check my BMI. Suddenly she jumps up, claps her hands and exclaims, “Oh, Judi, you’re perfect! Just perfect!” I was so shocked by her statement that I didn’t even respond at first. I have never heard myself been described as perfect, and had no idea what she was even talking about.

The nurse was referring to my BMI and weight, which for the first time in my adult life, was within the correct parameters; therefore I was deemed as perfect. But oddly enough, I didn’t feel perfect, I didn’t think I looked perfect, and I felt uncomfortable even being called perfect.

See, although this present weight loss challenge has only been going on for two years, the quest for beauty has been going on all of my life. It has always been this elusive, somehow unattainable goal. No diet made me feel beautiful; there was always something missing. And I could never explain why.

Earlier this year, while reading the Psalms, I came across a verse that stopped me in my tracks. Ps. 45:11, “The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.” (NIV) Many other translations capitalize the word “King”, referring to God. So the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Creator of the entire universe, is charmed and fascinated by me! He knows the color of my eyes and my hair, He has counted each freckle and birthmark, and He declares me to be beautiful.

The second part of that verse reads that I am to honor Him because He is my Lord. How do I honor God in my pursuit of beauty? First, I recognize that God created me to look just as I am, no matter where I am in my health journey. He thinks I’m beautiful, and it offends Him when I constantly complain or abase what He has created. If He thinks I’m charming and fascinating, can I at least agree that what He has created is worth not criticizing?

Father, thank you for calling me your masterpiece and letting me know that my life has purpose and meaning. God help me to begin to see myself through Your eyes, eyes of love and grace. Help me to not pursue what the world views as beauty, but what you call beautiful. Thank you for loving me just as I am. Amen.

Judi Cotignola is a wife to Mark, mother of three girls, author, licensed minister, preacher, teacher, small group leader, and co-pastor. Her passion is to help women see their position and purpose in Christ.  She writes a blog named SheTribe.
Thank you so much Judi for cutting straight to the heart of the matter today.  We are perfect in His eyes and those are the only eyes we should be worried about.  I am so thankful for the chance to get to know you Judi and am honored to count you as part of the Godly Gals family.
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