Godly Gals ~ Renee Scott
Drive By Blessing
By: Renee Scott
How many times do you ride by a homeless man or woman and keep driving? You desire to help but you also don’t want to give money that could possibly be used to feed an addiction. I would venture to say that almost every person reading this post has experienced this scenario. My ability to make a difference changed last week during a routine pick up of my toddler from daycare.
While I collected my son’s belongings before heading home, a member of the staff handed me a gallon-size storage bag with various food items such as soup, nuts, mints, bottle of water, spoon, and a granola bar. Also included in the bag was an index card with the name, phone number, location and operation hours of the local Christian Social Services office. Secretly, I wondered why she gave it to me. Did a long day at work cause me to look needy?
Before my mind went crazy, she explained the bag’s purpose.
Their youth department prepares the bags to bless the homeless. They provide them to members of their church to keep in their vehicles. They then pass them out whenever they drive by someone in need.
What a concept……a drive by blessing!
This idea was profound for me. You have the ability to impact someone’s life with a simple gesture. The word of God tells us, to whom much is given, much is required. We are blessed beyond measure, why not share the blessing.
Imagine what would happen if each person reading this post carried a ‘drive by blessing’ bag in their vehicle?
My prayer is that you will read this post and be inspired to carry a bag in your car or truck. Be creative with your bag…….add an inspirational note, toiletry items or socks in the winter. Utilize your family to help spread the love of Christ throughout your community!
My husband and I packed our bag yesterday and we are on a mission to change someone’s life, one bag at a time!
By: Renee Scott
How many times do you ride by a homeless man or woman and keep driving? You desire to help but you also don’t want to give money that could possibly be used to feed an addiction. I would venture to say that almost every person reading this post has experienced this scenario. My ability to make a difference changed last week during a routine pick up of my toddler from daycare.
While I collected my son’s belongings before heading home, a member of the staff handed me a gallon-size storage bag with various food items such as soup, nuts, mints, bottle of water, spoon, and a granola bar. Also included in the bag was an index card with the name, phone number, location and operation hours of the local Christian Social Services office. Secretly, I wondered why she gave it to me. Did a long day at work cause me to look needy?
Before my mind went crazy, she explained the bag’s purpose.
Their youth department prepares the bags to bless the homeless. They provide them to members of their church to keep in their vehicles. They then pass them out whenever they drive by someone in need.
What a concept……a drive by blessing!
This idea was profound for me. You have the ability to impact someone’s life with a simple gesture. The word of God tells us, to whom much is given, much is required. We are blessed beyond measure, why not share the blessing.
Imagine what would happen if each person reading this post carried a ‘drive by blessing’ bag in their vehicle?
My prayer is that you will read this post and be inspired to carry a bag in your car or truck. Be creative with your bag…….add an inspirational note, toiletry items or socks in the winter. Utilize your family to help spread the love of Christ throughout your community!
My husband and I packed our bag yesterday and we are on a mission to change someone’s life, one bag at a time!
~Renee Scott is a member of Grace Family Church. She is co-founder of the popular blog, Double Portion Inspiration, where she shares encouragement and inspiration to men and women all over the world. The blog is co-authored by her identical twin sister, Roslyn Rice. You can find out more about Renee by contacting her here, ~ http://doubleportioninspiration.blogspot.com/ or ~ mailto:[email protected].
I absolutely LOVE this idea Renee!
Thank you so much for sharing the story of your drive by blessing and for challenging us to do the same. I am so thankful to have you stop by today and visit with us for the Godly Gals series. Your twin sister, Roslyn, has been a very dear friend of mine for many years and I love how God is using the two of you to bless others yet again.
Are you a “Real Woman” living a “Real Life” with “Real Faith” in action? Then you are just what I am looking for in this Godly Gals series.
Send me an email to melsworldministry {at} gmail {dot} com and I’ll send you a copy of the submission guidelines.
I’d love to hear your Godly Gal story and share it here with our friends in Mel’s World!