Starting Your Day With An Attitude of Gratitude ~ Guest Posting at Sundi Jo’s
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Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Ephesians 5:20 NIV
Do you start your day with an attitude of gratitude?
Have you taken the time today to thank the One who has given you all the blessings in your life?
I know, I know…it can be something that just “slips our mind”. We have good intentions, but life happens and we forget to stop and thank the Creator for all the abundant blessings in our life.
Oh, you are shaking your head and saying, well, Melissa, you don’t know what my family is dealing with, or you have no idea how hard things are right now, and you know what…you are absolutely right, I don’t know, but He does.
On top of that, I bet that even in the midst of the trials that we are experiencing right now that there are things we can take time to be thankful for in our lives.
Have you taken the time today to thank the One who has given you all the blessings in your life?
I know, I know…it can be something that just “slips our mind”. We have good intentions, but life happens and we forget to stop and thank the Creator for all the abundant blessings in our life.
Oh, you are shaking your head and saying, well, Melissa, you don’t know what my family is dealing with, or you have no idea how hard things are right now, and you know what…you are absolutely right, I don’t know, but He does.
On top of that, I bet that even in the midst of the trials that we are experiencing right now that there are things we can take time to be thankful for in our lives.
We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. -Charles Swindoll
To find out how you can take steps toward an attitude of gratitude head on over to Sundi Jo’s to finish reading the post called “Starting Your Day With An Attitude of Gratitude“!
While you are there make sure to spend some time in Sundi’s world, it really is a cool place to hang out. We were blessed to have Sundi Jo as a Godly Gal here as well, if you didn’t get a chance to read her post, click on “The Truth About Intimacy” to read all about it.