Godly Gals, His Hands by Jennifer Travis
But then He touches us. It’s a new kind of touch. We start to see more clearly. Our backward ways, little by little, become more obvious and it gets harder to deny. In turn we slowly give up parts of ourselves– craving more of His touch.
His strong, warm and loving hands are always on us, even when we don’t feel them. He’s always working in our lives, shaping our circumstances into His plan. He touches every piece of clay, without missing any detail. His hand is in every aspect of our lives long before He saves us, shaping and molding for something more beautiful than we can imagine. He see’s the finished piece long before He has begun His work.
His level of love is so far above any human definition that we can’t fully wrap our minds around just how great He is. His hands touch every single thing on this earth—every person and everything aspect of nature. The beauty of the things He’s made reflect a level of love that no human can fathom. We’re so fortunate that He didn’t just make us and step aside. He’s always there, always touching something in our lives, or in us. His loving hands are never idle.
He stands, both hands extended toward us, waiting for each of us to ask. He wants us to seek Him, to reach out and take His hand. And when we do, we experience miracles that change us forever– leaving us thirsting for more of Him.
I encourage you to seek Him, ask Him to light your path daily. Ask Him to touch your heart. Not only can He handle all of our circumstances and needs, but He wants to. His hands are strong enough, and He’s willing. Just ask.