
A Father’s Day Tribute

Happy Father’s Day! I wanted to come up with a thousand wonderful words to encourage, inspire, and praise the men in our lives, our dad’s, our pop-pop’s, our son’s who have their own children, and our husband’s, but to be quite honest there are truly no words that can express the difference that a DAD…

Need your prayers…

My kids are leaving out of town (and away from mom and dad) tomorrow for 11 days. They are flying and also driving in the car (for long distances) and at this moment we still haven’t packed, prepared my oldest son’s medical supplies (he is diabetic), or written that darn letter for emergency medical treatment.Needless…

Need your prayers…

My kids are leaving out of town (and away from mom and dad) tomorrow for 11 days. They are flying and also driving in the car (for long distances) and at this moment we still haven’t packed, prepared my oldest son’s medical supplies (he is diabetic), or written that darn letter for emergency medical treatment.Needless…