
Growing to Your Potential

Websters defines potential as this: po·ten·tial 1 : existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality I just love that word…POTENTIAL…it has so much in it, around it, and in front of it…In my quiet time yesteday I came across this devotional from John Maxwell…I think you will enjoy it. …in which you shine…

A Model to be followed…Moses (from the Maxwell Leadership Bible) In my quiet time this morning I came across this golden nugget and just HAD to share it with you. You see I have a passion to grow, teach, lead, and develop LEADERS around us…so this is right up my alley….and I am praying it…

Dangerous Woman Creed

Hey…for all the chicks that check this BLOG out I found a phenomenal little goodie that I want to share with you…(will have more on KY later in the day and week…) It is from Lynne Hybels web site/blog and I just LOVED it, so I had to share…check it out for yourself either by…