Birthday Boy!
Well…it’s official…my baby turned 11 yesterday and I am really getting “older”. Man…that just stinks! It totally seems like yesterday that he was born and then he “poof!” grew up right in front of my eyes.
It was a great Birthday weekend…let’s just say he is JUST like his mamma when it comes to his birthday…his party lasted 4 days! Yep, you read it right…he had a 4 day party! (I must be getting old because that just sounds crazy!)He had some friends from school over on Thursday night, then Friday night he had more friends over and we went to BOOMERS! for go-car racing, laser tag, and rock climbing, then a few of them came to church with us on Saturday night, and then to top it all off we had cake and goodies with his Praise Team Friends, and finally Sunday after church we went out with the grandparents where he got his #1 Favorite Gift EVER!!! He got a brand new dirt bike (bigger and faster than his other one)…better make sure I have my insurance up to date. 😉 All in all it was a great weekend to celebrate Bailey’s life and the impact he has made on all of our lives! Happy Birthday B!