Speak to My Soul Sunday – Stop Talking About It and JUST DO IT!

I just absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this verse! As a matter of fact, it has been one of my life verses (more on that soon) for about five years now. You see, I am a “Get it Done” kind of girl. I am not one of those people who are always talking about “someday” this and “someday” that, I believe that it is GREAT to have BIG DREAMS for God, but I also believe there reaches a point where you stop talking and start doing.
After the verb ‘to Love,’ ‘to Help’ is the most beautiful verb in the world. ~Bertha von Suttner
Do you want to know why this hits me so hard? Because I used to be the person that would say I would do something and then struggle to follow through with it. I know in my heart that I meant to do what I said I would, but with my people pleasing habit it was hard to 1) say No, and 2) Remember what I said I would do. It wasn’t until about ten years ago when my husband (gotta love that man!) sat me down and gently (well, not so gently, he is a Melancholy/Choleric personality) explained to me that I was hurting my witness for Jesus by saying one thing and either not following through or doing something completely opposite.
It wasn’t until I realized that he was 100% right, and after much prayer, tears, and petitions to God to help restore that trait/bad habit in me, that I was fully able to lay it at the foot of the cross for healing and redemption.
Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. -Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Look what I found in Matthew 25:34-40, you are going to love this…
So, what do you need to do TODAY to be a “Get it Done” kind of person? I want to STOP TALKING and START DOING what needs to be done to show the world that there is a Love and a Hope in Jesus. He’s waiting on us to “JUST DO IT” already…what are you waiting for?
I’m Getting Out There and Getting it Done,
Wonderful post Mel! A great reminder for me too.
Happy Sunday.
Great post! I especially liked the part about stopping and praying with people now instead of saying I’ll pray for you. We can do both!
Yes, great post. I know what you mean!
Thanks Mel!
Looking forward to catching up…
Ooh, my toes hurt a little.
This was a great post!
ouch! I’ve been thinking about the whole “stop and pray instead of saying I’ll pray” for quite some time. Instead of thinking I guess I better get to the doing!
Thanks girlfriend!