Speak to My Soul – Seek God’s Will

Seek God’s Will

And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will. ~ 2 Corinthians 8:5

Have you ever tried to do things your own way?
Where you seem to fight an uphill battle and everything is a struggle?
When you are trying to do what YOU want instead of what God’s will is?

Me too!

As a matter of fact, I’ll have a little confession time here with you. I am a “control freak”. Shocking, I know. (For all of you who know me personally, be nice in the comments) I like things a certain way and will do just about anything to make sure they are done “that way”. Not all the time, but more often than I really like to admit.

The problem with that is that society sees that as a good thing. Ah, she’s a great leader, she gets stuff done, let’s give it to her because we know she’ll “handle” it. But in all reality it just feeds into that whole control issue. The next thing you know you are used to “getting things done” and “handling things” on your own that you can leave out the One who is really in control.

You see, God’s ways are always better than our own. When we stop trying to push our way and seek out God’s will things will go smoother and generally our lives will be a whole lot less stressful.

Have you ever noticed that?

When you pushing your own way, instead of God’s will, that life seems frustrating, out of whack, irritating. There’s that underlying sense that something is not right, but you just can’t seem to put your finger on it. Chances are you are pushing your way, and if you just let go of your agenda things will balance out.

The biggest challenge that any of us will ever have: to really get up in the morning and say, “OK God, what can I do to help somebody else today, how can I be a blessing to somebody else?” –Joyce Meyer

I’ve been trying to do things “my way” for the last fourteen months and it has finally been revealed to me (through God’s Word, through friends, through prayer, and through my dear husband) that I have been trying so hard to “control” my life, when all this time God has been waiting for me to give it back over to Him. It’s not me that is leading the dance…it’s Him, and now, after finally opening my eyes to see the truth I see that God’s ways are always (ALWAYS) better than our own.

By seeking God’s will for my life I know that no matter what comes my way that it is supposed to be there, that I am being obedient, and that He is pleased. My life verse speaks directly to this point and it says in
Romans 12:2 ~ Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I don’t want to be like everyone else…I want to be like Him, so here I go again…I’ll lay it back down (because us control freaks like to pick it back up, don’t we?) and seek God’s will.

Enjoy the Journey,

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  1. “Chances are you are pushing your way, and if you just let go of your agenda things will balance out”

    I have been in a funk for a while now, and haven’t been able to put my finger on what’s going on in my head. This helped me. Thanks. 🙂


  2. Great post Mel!

    I’ve had you on my mind. We’re in Marco Island having a wonderful time.


  3. Ah yes, the word CONTROL. So difficult when we think it is a good thing in society to be in charge, on top of things, or whatever we think we need to do to be at our best. Lay it down! Yes, such good advice!

  4. Michelle,
    I am SO glad you came by and were able to walk away with something from this today! Hang in there…been in a funk too, but you can get out of that pit!

    Marco…so jealous! Hope you are having tons of fun!

    Control…it’s a SCARY thing, isn’t it?

    Lay it down, and when you pick it up again, lay it BACK down…that seems to be my pattern. I would be so much better off if I would just lay it down and leave it.


  5. That’s a beautiful post. It reminds me of a song by Marie Bellet: ‘Lay it on down and let it go. Your father above already knows.’

    But I do find it hard to let it go…


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