It’s a NEW Dawn, NEW Day, NEW Year!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

I absolutely love this week of the year, you know the one between Christmas and New Years. My husband & I almost always go away that week for a time of spiritual planning, preparation, and to seek God’s clear direction for our lives the next year. We don’t always get the chance, like we did this year, to take part of the trip just the two of us (four days just the two of us and three with the kids), but I can tell you that in the two days that we have already been “away” together God has already given us both some clarity. I love it when that happens, don’t you?

This time of year is also a time when people stop to think about what their goals are for the next year. In a couple of days thousands, if not millions, of people will start making their New Years resolutions, and will be looking for a “new” way to change. For those of us who already have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe this isn’t nearly as significant of a day as others might think…but it is a NEW day/year, so let’s take a minute to see what that “NEW” thing can do for you and for me.

Nothing is too great and nothing is too small to commit into the hands of the Lord.

-A.W. Pink

Before we go any further, let’s stop and ask the Holy Spirit to step in here with us so that we can be right smack dab where God wants us to be through this NEW day!

Dear Heavenly Father, you created everything NEW and you have given us this terrific opportunity to stop in our tracks to find out what it is exactly that you want us to do NEW this next year. Father we know that it is a New Dawn, New Day, New Year, but we also know that none of it is important without you. Guide us as we take this journey to be more like you. In your precious sons name, Amen.

If there are two persons praying, there are three. If three meet to pray, there are four praying. There is always one more than you can see. -S.D. Gordon

Good, now that we’ve gotten off to the right start let’s start to think about what it means to have a NEW day, NEW dawn (see the picture above, that was from this mornings sunrise), and NEW year. For me, it means I have to start with my mind. I have to get my head straight, focused, guarded, and ready to move forward with whatever adventures God sets before me. If my mind is not prepared to think, focus, dream, plan, etc. then I am not ready to be a vessel that God can use.

to be made new in the attitude of your minds; ~ Ephesians 4:23

When I get that right then I am ready for whatever God is preparing me for. Listen, do you have to have your whole year mapped out, day by day, detail by detail…No (thank goodness, I don’t know about you but I like to have some ‘wiggle room’), but we do have to realize that we are called here according to His purpose and to accomplish His purposes for our lives then we need to make a “Road Map” to where we think He wants us to go.

I’m reading a really great book by Valorie Burton (actually ALL of her books have been amazing) and in it she mentions that we have 5 Key Areas that we should focus on. I loved it SO much that I thought it would be a good thing to incorporate into our New Day, New Dawn, New Year, so here goes.

While you are making that “Road Map” there are 5 Key Areas that you need to think about (these are what I am focusing on during my planning this week as well) and they are;
1) Relationships
2) Career
3) Finances/Resources
4) Physical Health/Environments
5) Spiritual Life

and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. ~ Ephesians 4:24

This week STOP and SEEK God’s direction for these 5 Key Areas in your life. Even if it is not some highly detailed day by day account, make a plan. Ask Him to reveal to you what He wants you to focus on in each of these areas. Take time to pray, ask others, and maybe even fast about it (you’d be surprised at the clarity that comes through fasting).

Each and every one of us has a chance for that NEW Dawn, NEW Day, NEW Year…what are you going to do with it for Him?

Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth.

Enjoy the Journey,
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  1. I am in this same mindset, seeking what this year will bring! Where does He want me, what should I focus on, what needs to be dropped.

    Good stuff, I love it!

    ENJOY your time away with hubby, you are blessed to have it!!!

  2. I love that God has us BOTH on this journey and also that HE keeps allowing our paths to continue to cross. I can’t wait to hear what He’s revealing to you!

    Be Blessed my friend, Melissa

  3. Oh, I am soooo with you and Sue both. I think more than I ever have been before. I dont know why this year is different. But I feel such a strong pull in my spirit. Praying for you Mel and adding Sue in there too! May God draw you so close to Him as you seek Him these couple of days together w/hubby! Love to you!

  4. I thought it fascinating that your Romans 12:2 verse is the same one I blogged about this morning ! Thanks for posting those five areas. I think it really helps to break things down into manageable pieces and then look at them through God’s word. I really enjoyed the post. Thanks!

  5. Thanks so much for your entry! My husband and I have been through so much this past year, I am ready, willing and able to face this new year….but a little scared. I have this weird feeling that something huge is going to happen this coming year….you know what I mean?

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