Transparent Tuesday – Reflecting

Transparent Tuesday
It has been a VERY long time since I have sat down to do a “Transparent Tuesday” post. It’s not that I haven’t had lots to think about and share with you, it’s just I am a FIRM believer in writing about what the Holy Spirit wants me to write about when He wants me to write it. There are so many times I will start to write something only to delete it instead of publishing it (in retrospect, I should keep them in a word doc from now on, right?)
Any who, these last three days my husband & I have been out of town on a mini sabbatical to plan, prepare, and pray for what God has in store for each of us, our ministries, and our family for 2009. We typically go away the week between Christmas and New Years, but this year we were doubly blessed because my parents offered to take the kids with them on their annual trip to Kentucky after Christmas. This way the kids get to go see their great-grandmother (my g’ma) and also snow, and then Matt & I get some time alone.
We spent our first day just completely chilling out, watching movies, wearing our PJ’s all day, and hanging out with each other. Below is a picture of “my” reading spot. I know, I know, there’s a blanket there, but I wanted you to see just how cozy I get when I curl up (really and truly) with a great book. Besides, it has been “breezy” here on the ocean (the temps been in the low 70’s most of the time).
I’m headed back outside now to go over some more specifics in a creative project that I’m working on, but I wanted to take a minute to show you the view from my “work/dream/planning” spot, isn’t it gorgeous?
I have to tell you…I have a feeling that it’s going to be INCREDIBLE!
Love it Mel. My husband and I were able to do this last year and it was absolutely the best thing. This year though, we are not able to. I did however take this week off from work to spend time with the Lord and ponder His will for 2009. I keep hearing the words “Inspire” & “Mentor”. I believe I can use these both in the work place and in my church ministry. I am waiting on Him to show me how. BTW, I love your tweets.
Hey There Karen,
I have to tell you that I went over to visit you at your blog and I would certainly stand in agreement that “INSPIRE & MENTOR” would be great words for you in 2009. What an amazing journey you have been on.
Thanks for your kind words about tweet, that means a lot to me. Trying to help people find their JOY on the JOURNEY!
I found a great post earlier today about the upcoming year and being prepared, which prompted me to write a blog about my goals for the upcoming year! I’m so excited to see what God has planned for me in 2009!!
How WONDERFUL! I love that you do this!! I think we usually set some goals for the New Year. This year we are actually meeting with a financial advisor to try and get on the right track.
I pray that you continue to enjoy your wonderful time. So amazing!
Happy New Year to you!!!
Hope 2009 brings you many blessings.
I love it that you do this. I’ve done it individually, but we have not really done it corporately. I know that we’ve enjoyed the last two years when we’ve been able to get away together after Christmas and really spend time on “us”. This year we didn’t do that since DS 1 came home from Basic Training.
I can’t wait to see what God does with you in the coming year. Sounds like He’s got exciting things in store.