Introducing ~ Godly Gals

Welcome to a BRAND NEW weekly series here in Mel’s World called Godly Gals!

I can not even begin to tell you how excited I am about this new series! It is something that has been on my heart for quiet some time now but felt like I needed to “wait” (I truly struggle with this, ha) on until it was the right time…well, guess what?

It IS the right time, right now!!!

My heart and passion is meeting women where they are and showing them how they can live with an authentic faith by being transparent, renewed, and transformed (Romans 12:2). My goal in Mel’s World is to take my everyday, ordinary life and place it as an offering to Him and one of the ways I intend to do that is to introduce some incredible women to my you and let them share their stories…which is how Godly Gals was born.

Each and every Thursday we’ll meet a Godly Gal that is taking her everyday, ordinary life and using it for His glory. These are women who are in ministry, are Pastor’s wives, business owners, moms, and so much more…just like YOU and just like me!

It’s my prayer that you will walk away encouraged by what God is doing in their lives, as well as showing you some incredible women of God. We’re gearing up to introduce you to some “Real Women, Real Life, Real Faith” kind of ladies and it’s going to be a great adventure…come back next week to see who will be our first Godly Gal!

If you are interested in being a guest writer in this series, then
please email me (click here) and I will send you a copy of the Submission Guidelines. I’m taking submissions to be a part of the Godly Gals family.

Seeking JOY on the Journey,

The Breast Cancer Site

Don’t FORGET to CLICK every day…it counts!

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  1. This is exciting! I look forward to reading the first post next week.

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