Ministry Minute: Connect with younger AND older women

It’s not really a secret that I am super passionate about being in ministry.
I’ve shared more times than I can count and will preach it from the mountaintops that ministry is not just for those in “paid” ministry, but for each and every one of us.  
As it says in Romans 12:1 from the Message, “Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.”
So if we are ALL in ministry, and we are taking our everyday, ordinary lives as part of our ministry, then let’s take a minute to find out other ways for all of us to grow.
I love having someone that I can look up to, seek guidance from, talk with and grow with…a mentor, right? 
I mean, really…who doesn’t?
This woman is a wealth of information, is supportive, caring, and considerate of you and the time you’ve agreed to meet with her.  
I’ve been blessed with some amazing godly women in my life that have mentored me, ministered to me, and really helped me to be the woman in Christ that I am.
If I just stop there then I am not doing my part.
I truly believe that we all should be connected to a godly woman that we can learn and grow from, but that we should also be that godly women (even if it is in training) to another woman who is a little younger (in age or faith) than us.
Think of it like this picture of the passing of the baton…if we are the only one receiving the baton then how will the next generation continue to be blessed?
So in my mind I see me in the middle, reaching up to a godly woman for guidance and mentoring, while at the same time I am reaching back to pull up, guide and mentor someone else.
That way we are all reaching out, helping others, growing in godly wisdom and seeking to be all He created us to be.
Let’s Chat…I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts!
Are you connecting with younger and older women for mentoring?

Who is a woman that has made an impact on you through her ministry?
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