ONE Word 2011

 My friend Alece over at Grit and Glory (she was one of the Godly Gals here in Mel’s World in 2010) has an incredible blog and amazing heart for God.  I was visiting with another one of our Godly Gals, Tracee Persiko, today and saw her post on ONE Word.
I gotta be honest with you…I really struggled with this.  I knew after reading Tracee’s post that I wanted to claim ONE WORD for myself this year, but what word?
Seriously…this is not an easy thing for me, I am a super “wordy” chick (just ask my husband) and picking ONE Word is extremely difficult for me.  
What would that word be?
I knew I couldn’t pick the very first word that came to my mind…that would be too easy, as a default I live, love and breathe Romans 12:2, so it would be something like “transformed” or “renewed” which are great words, but…are they THE ONE WORD that God has for me this year?
So I broke out a little piece of paper and started to pray.  
I wrote words that I thought would be a good word for me this year.  
I went outside to pray about it, read my Bible, read devotionals, and see what other words would come to my heart.

All morning long I thought about it, prayed about it and as you can see from my note sheet I had a lot of words (that is so not surprising) but there were THREE that really encapsulated what I felt God leading for me this next year.
* Grace
* Aware
* Surrender
Ultimately I knew in my heart that the ONE WORD for me this next year is
– my plans
– my life
– my will
– ALL of ME for His Glory!
Is it going to be easy…nope, not at all.
It goes against my type A control issues, but I am learning, slowly but surely, that my way is never better than His.  
So, I’m headed out on this new adventure of SURRENDER this year. 
I would totally love to hear what ONE WORD you’ve chosen for this year!
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