Stuck in My Own Little World

© Sean Bolt | RF-LL

I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. Isaiah 49:6b NIV

In the same car line.
In the same seats at church.
In my own little world.

Over the last few weeks, God has really been nudging at my heart to start looking at what He has really called me to do. I mean…really nudging me. So much so that I had to mentally pull off the side of the road and throw my hands up in the air with a “what gives?” reply.

I serve your people at church. I support, love and encourage my husband and kids. I lead the Kids and Women’s ministries at our church. I run…


Herein lies the problem. In laying out all the things I was doing for God, I realized that this is not actually what He has called me to. At my church we’ve been going through an evangelism series called “Just One” and it has become our heart’s cry for what we feel God is leading our church to do.

To be quite honest it wasn’t until just a few weeks ago during the course of unpacking that the light bulb finally come on and God showed me that I have been stuck in my own little world for far too long.

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 ESV

It is right there in Scripture. We call it the Great Commission and if you wanted to peel everything back to the one thing we are called to do it would be to “GO!”

It is not do this or do that, but simply put to “GO!”

In all the years I have seen this verse, read it, memorized it and talked about it I don’t think it has ever hit me as hard as it is right now. I can not bury my head in the sand and pretend “evangelism” is something others are called to do. I can’t brush it off by saying that it’s “not my thing” and I can’t completely focus on the needs and cares of the people in my church.

Yes, I should love on and care for the people in my church.
Yes, I should run the ministries or events that I lead at church.
But no, that doesn’t mean I should surround myself with church people all the time.

I need to get out of my own little world and “GO!” …just like Jesus says to.

<---- to read the rest of "Stuck in My Own Little World” and find out some of the things that I am doing, and you can too, to keep from being stuck, then head on over to the Internet Cafe Devotions site.

I can’t wait to see what He does when you and I, together, start to get unstuck from our own little worlds. I’m praying this is just the beginning of a great new adventure for the both of us. It may not be easy and it may not be comfortable, but it sure is going to be exciting!

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