Ok, here’s the deal…I live in a house with THREE boys (ahem, one man, and two young men) and so when it comes to guy stuff, sometimes I just have to submit (there’s that word again!). Ha!

Seriously though…it the men of my life LOVE it, then it is totally worth my time, right? There are things you do for love (isn’t that a song?) that you may not love yourself, but they are SO important to those you love that they become important to you. That’s what happened to me with M-O-N-S-T-E-R J-A-M…I went the first time about 7 years ago begrudgingly, but since then I have grown to love it because it means a great family night out for us and because the boys LOVE it so much. And to be quite honest…these are the memories that seem to last forever!

I know my time with my boys (who turn 11 and 13 in March…am I really that OLD?) is winding down (not that they are going away or anything…but there is just something strange that happens to kids in the teen years!), so I can completely go into tonight full of excitement as we experience a great night together.

So here we go……..Gentlemen…….Start Your Engines!!!!!


  1. Hey Girl-First, that is a GREAT super-model picture of you…nice!! Second, I must say, of the few blogs I’ve looked at, yours is wonderful–full of cool pix, neat fonts, different colors, for an easily-bored, quickly-distraced chic like myself, I could park on your blog for a while and be inspired and amused. Well done, girl!

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