Godly Gals ~ Real Women, Real Life, Real Faith, Secret Sin, by Amy Riordan
That’s exactly where I was. I was there for a very long time, actually.
When Satan would throw his darts at me, I usually tried to ignore it. That was my strategy. I would eventually end up letting my guard down and wander right back into the same old trap. When Satan would tempt Jesus, did Jesus fight back with God’s Word, or did He turn away to say, “Wow, look at those flowers. Aren’t they beautiful”? That’s a funny example, but it really showed me that I had not been using what God gave me to fight my battles. Ignoring them was not working.
We have to fight our battles with the weapon that God has given us: His Word.
You may be tired of fighting. Sometimes it seems easier to ignore it and hope it will go away. Sometimes it seems just too painful to fight.
If you have any particular sin that keeps creeping back into your life, you are not alone. The good news is we have a loving, all-knowing and powerful God who shows us how to conquer these things. Ask Him to show you what changes you need to make in your life in order to help combat any recurring sins. Don’t let the enemy lie to you and convince you that things will never change! Study the bible to find out how God sees you. It is often quite different than we see ourselves.
If you have a secret sin, I encourage you to confide in a pastor or mature Christian friend. I’ve learned first-hand that when sin is brought out into the light, its grip on you will lessen. You are not meant to carry this on your own. Don’t let shame keep you from turning this over to Jesus.He is waiting for you with open arms! “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1).
Amy lives in PA with her husband and two young children. Amy and her husband recently launched a healing and deliverance ministry in their church that focuses directly on breaking strongholds and receiving spiritual, physical and emotional healing. In her blog, “Walking In Freedom”, Amy shares her passion of helping others discover who they are in Christ and walking in the freedom of who God created them to be.