
Happy Fall Y’all

I totally and completely LOVE the FALL season! We are on our annual pilgrimage to Alabama to visit my husband’s family. It is so great to be able to “step away” from things for a little while and rest and reflect. Family is a BIG part of who I am and I couldn’t be more…

Christmas is Coming…

It is officially 35 days until Christmas and I can not wait!!! Every year we take a Preschool Ministry Leadership Christmas Photo and some how manage to turn it into a special gift for our volunteer team!!! This year we went ALL around campus took pictures…this is one of my favorite pictures for two reasons….


Sunday night we had our IMPACT meeting (Improving Ministry & Leadership Skills for Preschool And Children’s Volunteers Today!) where we talked about Tears – Total Impact! I co-lead the meeting with our Children’s Ministry Director, Charlotte Allison. It was a God filled night of quiet reflection and spiritual renewal. We spoke of the BIG THREE…