
7 Things Meme

I was tagged by Tara at Tara’s View of the World to list 7 things about me, so here it goes! 1. I have been blogging here in Mel’s World for two years in August 2008. I started a new blog a couple of weeks ago called Mel’s World Travel Biz, where I talk a…

Scavenger Hunt Results

Sorry this is a little late…there was much to do yesterday for the Birthday Party Dinner (and party all weekend with 16 teenagers in and around my house). Ha! It WAS fun though…Yep, I am a little on the looney side…I know! So…without waiting ONE MORE minute I wanted to share with you all the…

Scavenger Hunt Results

Sorry this is a little late…there was much to do yesterday for the Birthday Party Dinner (and party all weekend with 16 teenagers in and around my house). Ha! It WAS fun though…Yep, I am a little on the looney side…I know! So…without waiting ONE MORE minute I wanted to share with you all the…

Scavenger Hunt

Ok, is it me, or has this whole “Ultimate Blog Party 08” totally consumed all your time these days? Come on, I know I am not the only one that is trying to visit all 1300+ (did you read that…1300+ blogs) mom blogs are listed. My hats off to the ladies over at 5minutesformom for…

Scavenger Hunt

Ok, is it me, or has this whole “Ultimate Blog Party 08” totally consumed all your time these days? Come on, I know I am not the only one that is trying to visit all 1300+ (did you read that…1300+ blogs) mom blogs are listed. My hats off to the ladies over at 5minutesformom for…