A Cool Video Shoot

Yesterday I had the awesome honor to go down to the Miami Seaquarium to do a Video shoot for our church. I have never been on a video shoot before, so I really didn’t know what to expect, but as a good, over prepared chick, I had just about all my bases covered AND brought them with me. Ha!

Having never done this before can I tell you that I was a tad bit nervous and ALL week thoughts of this video shoot seeped into my mind. What if I blow it? What if I stutter? What if my stories are dumb? What if I can’t find the “right” outfit? (Come on, I am a girl…we think a lot about that!) What if….___________ (you name it) went in and out of my thoughts all week.

The evil one was trying to derail me…he tried to get me to back out of it, he tried to get me sick (I woke up that morning with a super sore throat), he tried to break my confidence, he tried to tell me that I wasn’t good enough. Man…I hate it that I almost listened to him instead of the life giving words of my glorious Father in Heaven. I knew I was getting weak, so I prayed, and prayed, and prayed all week long, I asked some feel cool God Chicks to pray for me, I spent time in the quiet, and you know what…God was there.

Thursday night I was studying, listening to my iPod, trying to cram it all together, paste my notes in my Bible, and really get focused on the video shoot…when all of the sudden God took me to Mark 6:31, and in it He spoke to me about rest. Rest in Him, Rest my body/soul, Rest for the weary…and I just cried tears of joy.

I am not sure if the video will be amazing, but I know that God was there. All 5 of us that were teaching/speaking felt God there, even in the 1000 degree heat (I did say we were in Miami in the middle of summer, right?). The video team, lead by BV, was amazing, they had to lug all that equipment around, with a smile on, and just get it done all day.

Here’s what I know…when that video is complete God WILL get all the glory!


  1. Hi – thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    So what church are you at? You’re in Childrens Ministry? That’s awesome!

    That is one incredible birthday cake! Happy Birthday! We’re the same age – I don’t feel a day over 25! Woo-Hoo!

    Lord Bless You!

  2. Hey Tam…

    I am so glad you popped over. I am at Flamingo Road Church, you can check us out at http://www.flamingoroadchurch.com to see what we are up to.

    I used to be in the Preschool Ministry, but have been reassigned to become the First Female Membership Pastor. (Way cool!) I am in charge of the baptisms, beach baptisms, and small groups for all our campuses.

    Unfortunately that was not really my birthday cake, but if I did get to pick one that would be the one I would pick! I agree…I don’t feel a day over 25 either…ok, well…maybe 26. HA! 😉

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